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Character Information
Name:Sir Mega Druid
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Member of the Wada Wada Weu
Last login:5 July 2024, 12:43 pm
Balance:$ 35,404,151 Gold Coins.

Quest Complete: 0%
Lista de Quests

Tasks Completas: 0%
Lista de Tasks

5 Jul 2024, 11:32 Killed at level 282 by The King and by donate dragon lord.
5 Jul 2024, 06:18 Killed at level 281 by Drossrotzank, Xime, Equisde and by donate dragon lord.
4 Jul 2024, 20:14 Died at level 224 by nightmare scion, Bazir, the champion Son of Verminor, a mao do destino amaldicoado, a champion dragon lord, a champion fury, a champion undead dragon and by champion hellfire fighter.
4 Jul 2024, 20:10 Died at level 224 by nightmare scion and by champion demon.
3 Jul 2024, 21:33 Died at level 104 by protect castle.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Account Information
Created:3 April 2024, 4:05 pm
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. Sir Mega DruidSphere

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