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Character Information
Profession:Royal Paladin
Marital status:single
Last login:7 July 2024, 10:53 pm
Balance:$ 55,482,299 Gold Coins.

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7 Jul 2024, 22:53 Killed at level 311 by Sir Mizo, Beekeeper, Aureathos, Flyer, Pitbull Do Funk, Soprawar, Deivao Spanka Xota and by Zika Do Bagulho.
7 Jul 2024, 22:52 Killed at level 312 by Soprawar, Flyer, Beekeeper, Pitbull Do Funk, Deivao Spanka Xota, Sir Mizo, Aureathos and by Zika Do Bagulho.
7 Jul 2024, 22:52 Killed at level 312 by Deivao Spanka Xota, Beekeeper, Sir Mizo, Aureathos, Soprawar, Pitbull Do Funk, Zika Do Bagulho and by Flyer.
7 Jul 2024, 22:50 Killed at level 314 by Flyer, Beekeeper, Pitbull Do Funk, Aureathos, Deivao Spanka Xota and by Zika Do Bagulho.
7 Jul 2024, 00:00 Died at level 303 by Mad Technomancer and by ForemKneebiter.

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Account Information
Created:4 April 2024, 12:53 am
Vip Status:Not Vip Account

1. HollowSphere

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