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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Member of the Wada Wada Weu
Last login:7 July 2024, 8:13 pm
Balance:$ 6,859,473 Gold Coins.

Quest Complete: 0%
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Tasks Completas: 0%
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7 Jul 2024, 20:13 Killed at level 428 by Mestre Ip Bolado, Opalla Tunnado, Rush Ownz, Lelinho Xupa Pau, Vulgo Madroga, Tae Xerebebell, a hades and by Na Bloker.
7 Jul 2024, 00:31 Killed at level 428 by Astaroth, Babayaga, Nlvxlfyz and by Doctorzim.
5 Jul 2024, 01:25 Killed at level 394 by Prexeco Walkersz, Neutro Short, Duhsz, Whatareyoudoingson and by baby hades.
4 Jul 2024, 18:08 Killed at level 363 by Vem Um, Neutro Short, Brahma Latao, No Have Pvp, Vem Dois and by donate grim reaper.
4 Jul 2024, 03:31 Died at level 40 by donate grim reaper.

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Account Information
Created:4 July 2024, 3:01 am
Vip Status:Not Vip Account

1. AntidoteSphere
2. Antidote DosSphere
3. ApacheSphere
4. Neutro ShortSphere
5. Neutro Shorty [DELETED]Sphere
6. Pally Antidote [DELETED]Sphere
7. ScropSphere

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